Chevrolet Spark manuals

Mazda CX-5 Service & Repair Manual: Discharge Headlight System


Structural View

System Wiring Diagram


1. When the light switch is operated to the HEAD position, a light switch LO signal is input to the start stop unit.

2. The start stop unit sends the light switch LO signal to the front body control module (FBCM) as a CAN signal.

3. When the front body control module (FBCM) receives the light switch LO signal, it turns the headlight LO relay on.

4. When the headlight LO relay turns on, the igniter raises the DC voltage from the battery to approx. 25,000 V and outputs it to the discharge headlight bulb so that the xenon gas emits light.

5. When the discharge headlight bulb (xenon gas) emits light, the discharge headlight control module converts the DC voltage from the battery to AC voltage (approx. 42 V) and outputs it to the discharge headlight bulb to illuminate the bulb.

Discharge Headlight Service Warnings
Discharge Headlight Service Warnings When replacing a discharge headlight bulb, performing the servicing with the negative battery cable connected or in a wet work area could result in elect ...

Discharge Headlight System Inspection
WARNING: Incorrect servicing of the discharge headlights could result in electrical shock. Before servicing the discharge headlights, always refer to the service warnings.. Termina ...

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