The hydraulic control mechanism consists of an oil cooler which maintains the hydraulic pressure at the optimum temperature, a control valve body and each shift valve which perform adjustment and circuit switching of the hydraulic pressure based on the control content calculated by the TCM, and the oil pump which generates the hydraulic pressure of each clutch and brake.
Structural view
Fuel Injector Relay
Purpose, Function
Supplies power to the PCM for the fuel injector and spill valve control solenoid
valve operation.
The fuel injector relay is installed in the relay and fuse block.
When the ignition is switched ON, the battery voltage ...
Installing Child-Restraint Systems
Accident statistics reveal that a child is safer in the rear seat. The front
passenger's seat is clearly the worst choice for any child under 12, and with rear-facing
childrestraint systems it is clearly unsafe due to air bags.
Even if your vehicle is equipped with front passenger sea ...
Rear Differential Removal/Installation
When replacing the coupling component, read the special character string
before installing a new coupling component and write it to the AWD control module
after replacement. The special character string is indicated in the two locations
shown in the figure.
1. D ...