Chevrolet Spark manuals

Mazda CX-5 Service & Repair Manual: Knock Sensor (Ks)




KS characteristic



Fail-safe function


  • Sets the knocking spark retard correction value of the ignition control to the fixed value.


  • Sets the knocking spark retard correction value of the ignition control to the fixed value.

Knock Sensor (Ks) Removal/Installation
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.. 2. Remove the plug hole plate.. 3. Remove the intake manifold.. 4. Disconnect the KS connector. 5. Remove the KS.. 6. Install in the reverse or ...

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NOTE: Because the IAT sensor No.2 is integrated in the MAP sensor, replacing the IAT sensor No.2 includes replacement of the MAP sensor/IAT sensor No.2. 1. Disconnect the negative bat ...

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