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Mazda CX-5 Owners Manual: Pictorial Index

Mazda CX-5 Owners Manual / Pictorial Index

Interior, exterior views and part identification of your Mazda.

How to Use This Manual
We want to help you get the most driving pleasure from your vehicle. Your owner's manual, when read from cover to cover, can do that in many ways. Illustrations complement the words of the manu ...

Interior Overview

Other materials:

Knock Sensor (Ks) Removal/Installation
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.. 2. Remove the plug hole plate.. 3. Remove the intake manifold.. 4. Disconnect the KS connector. 5. Remove the KS.. 6. Install in the reverse order of removal. KS Installation Note Verify that there is no foreign matter caught between ...

Floor Side Panel Installation [Panel Replacement]
Symbol Mark Installation Procedure 1. When installing new parts, measure and adjust the body as necessary to conform with standard dimensions. 2. Drill holes for the plug welding before installing the new parts. 3. After temporarily installing new parts, make sure the related parts fit p ...

Coupler Component Removal/Installation [Fw6 A EL, Fw6 Ax EL]
WARNING: A hot transaxle and ATF can cause severe burns. Turn off the engine and wait until they are cool. Always wear protective eye wear when using the air compressor. If the air compressor is used, any particles of dirt or soiling could spatter and get into the eyes. ...

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