Purpose, Function
The spark plug generates spark, ignition of the air-fuel mixture occurs, and combustion of the air-fuel mixture is triggered.
The spark plug is installed to the cylinder head.
Iridium on the center electrode and platinum on the ground electrode are used (iridium spark plug).
Because iridium has excellent durability, extreme thinning on the center electrode is achieved.
The area contacting flame is decreased by extremely thinning the center and setting electrodes, and extinction action is reduced. Therefore, excellent ignition performance is achieved.
Electric Power Steering System
A column assist type EPS has been adopted for all models.
EPS provides smooth handling from low to high speeds as a result of the excellent
steering feel provided by the electronic control and the vehicle-speed responsive
EPS does not require a power ste ...
Underbody Dimensions [Dimensions]
The following figure is a bottom view.
Point symbol
Hole diameter or bolt or nut size mm {in}
Front crossmember installation hole
?24 {0.94}
Fro ...
Awd Control Module Configuration
When performing configuration, it is necessary to read the coupling component
calibration data from the AWD control module before replacing it. Connect the
M-MDS to the vehicle and perform vehicle identification before removing the
AWD control module. The coupling component ...