Chevrolet Spark manuals

Mazda CX-5 Service & Repair Manual: Vanity Mirror Illumination Inspection

Mazda CX-5 Service & Repair Manual / Body / Mirrors / Vanity Mirror Illumination Inspection

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable..

2. Remove the sunvisor..

3. Verify that the continuity between the vanity mirror illumination terminals is as indicated in the table.

Vanity Mirror Illumination Bulb Removal/Installation
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.. 2. Insert a tape-wrapped flathead screwdriver into the service hole in the position shown in the figure. 3. Move a flathead screwdriver in the dire ...

Power Outer Mirror Switch Inspection
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.. 2. Remove the power outer mirror switch.. 3. Verify that the continuity between the power outer mirror switch terminals is as indicated in the table. ...

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