Chevrolet Spark manuals

Mazda CX-5 Owners Manual: Before Driving

Mazda CX-5 Owners Manual / Before Driving

Use of various features, including keys, doors, mirrors and windows.

Constant Monitoring
The following components of the air bag systems are monitored by a diagnostic system: • Crash sensors, and diagnostic module (SAS unit) • Front air bag sensors •  Air bag modules ...


Other materials:

Power Steering
Power Steering • Power steering is only operable when the engine is running. If the engine is off or if the power steering system is inoperable, you can still steer, but it requires more physical effort. If the steering feels stiffer than usual during normal driving or the steering vibrate ...

Map Light Inspection
Front Map Light 1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.. 2. Remove the front map light.. 3. Verify that the continuity between the front map light terminals is as indicated in the table. If not as indicated in the table, replace the front map light or front map light bulb ...

Cruise Set Indicator Light (Green)
Purpose/Function Illuminates during the cruise control system operation to inform the driver that the cruise control system is operating. Construction Built into the instrument cluster. Operation Illuminates during the cruise control system operation. ...

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