1. Switch the ignition to off.
2. Remove the clips.
3. Set the splash shield out of the way.
4. Disconnect the brake pipe from the LF brake hose.
5. Remove the clip.
6. Remove the LF brake hose from the bracket.
7. Detach the brake pipe from the pipe holder.
8. Install the SST
to the brake pipe as shown in the figure.
9. Bleed the brake line and the SSTs
of air. Bleed the air form the SSTs
using bleeder screw A.
10. Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.
11. Select the “BRK_F_P_R” PID.
12. Start the engine.
13. Depress the brake pedal, and confirm that the fluid pressure value of the SST
(Gauge) and the value shown on the M-MDS are equal
If the fluid pressures are different, replace the DSC HU/CM..
14. After the inspection, remove the SSTs
, install the brake hose, clamp, and brake pipe to the original positions, and then bleed the air from the brake line..
Rear Crossmember Removal/Installation [2 Wd]
Verify that the rear crossmember is securely supported by a jack. If the
rear crossmember falls off, it can cause serious injury or death, and damage
to the vehicle.
Performing the following procedures without first removing the rear ABS wheel-speed
s ...
Awd Control Module Configuration
When performing configuration, it is necessary to read the coupling component
calibration data from the AWD control module before replacing it. Connect the
M-MDS to the vehicle and perform vehicle identification before removing the
AWD control module. The coupling component ...
Automatic Transaxle Removal/Installation [Fw6 Ax EL]
Performing the following procedures without first removing the front ABS
wheel-speed sensor may possibly cause an open circuit in the harness if it is
pulled by mistake. Before performing the following procedures, disconnect the
front ABS wheel-speed sensor (axle side) and ...