With the adoption of the rocker arm (built into needle roller bearing), the sliding resistance has been reduced.
With the adoption of the HLA, the valve clearance is maintained at 0 mm at all the times.
The contact point of the rocker arm and cam is lubricated by the engine oil injected from the oil shower pipe.
Because the SKYACTIV-G 2.0 is implemented on the Miller cycle, the intake manifold vacuum is insufficient during the intake valve opening timing. To improve this, the intake manifold vacuum insufficiency is supplemented with the adoption of the vacuum pump..
Purpose, Function
The cylinder head forms the combustion chamber and intake and exhaust ports.
The lightweight cylinder head is made of aluminum alloy with excellent thermal conductivity.
Designing a compact pentroof combustion chamber and positioning the spark plugs on the top of the combustion chamber has improved the combustion efficiency.
There are two intake valves and two exhaust valves per cylinder for a total of four valves and the intake/exhaust type has been changed to a cross-flow type, improving intake and exhaust efficiency.
High pressurization is achieved by optimizing the intake port shape, improving the tumble ratio, increasing the combustion speed, and suppressing knocking.
With the adoption of plastic region tightening* for the cylinder head bolts, axial force has been stabilized.
On Board Diagnostic System PID/Data Monitor Inspection [Fw6 A EL, Fw6 Ax EL]
1. Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.
2. After the vehicle is identified, select the following items from the initialization
screen of the M-MDS.
a. Select “DataLogger”.
b. Select “Modules”.
c. Select “TCM”.
3. Select the applicable PID from the PID table.
4. Verify the PID da ...
Tcs Off Switch Inspection
1. Remove the TCS OFF switch..
2. Verify that the resistance between the TCS OFF switch terminals B and C is
as indicated in the table.
If not as indicated in the table, replace the TCS OFF switch.
TCS OFF switch specification
Test con ...
Vanity Mirror Illumination Inspection
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable..
2. Remove the sunvisor..
3. Verify that the continuity between the vanity mirror illumination terminals
is as indicated in the table.
If not as indicated in the table, replace the sunvisor.