Purpose, Function
The engine front cover covers the front of the engine to prevent engine oil spillage, noise leakage, and foreign material penetration.
The engine front cover is installed to the front of the engine.
The lightweight engine front cover is made of aluminum alloy with excellent noise absorption.
The engine front cover has the following parts shown in the figure.
Car Navigation System
The car-navigation system displays point-of-origin and road guidance maps
via the audio unit display and provides guidance and information to the desired
point of destination.
For the car-navigation system operation, refer to the owner's manual.
Rear Brake (Disc) Removal/Installation
1. Loosen the adjusting nut..
2. Remove in the order indicated in the table.
3. Install in the reverse order of removal.
4. After installation, add brake fluid, bleed the air, and inspect for fluid
5. Pump the brake pedal a few times and inspect the following:
The disc pa ...
Oil Strainer
Purpose, Function
The oil strainer suctions the engine oil in the oil pan using the oil pump
vacuum. The engine oil is filtered by the internal filter at that time.
The oil strainer is installed on the suction port of the oil pump.
The oil strain ...