1. Inspect the connections for any looseness.
If there is any malfunction, tighten or replace the applicable part.
2. Inspect the dust boot for damage and cracks.
If there is any malfunction, replace the applicable part.
3. Move the spline and joint up and down, left and right by hand and verify that there is no excessive play.
If there is any malfunction, replace the applicable part.
Rain Sensor
The rain sensor detects the amount of rainfall and calculates the wiper operation
speed, and outputs a windshield wiper control signal to the front body control
module (FBCM) to perform automatic wiper operation (auto wiper system) according
to the amount of rainfall.
Intake Air System
Purpose, Outline
A vacuum pump has been adopted which supplies stable vacuum to the power
brake unit.
Structural View
System Diagram
Vacuum Hose Routing Diagram
The intake air system consists of the following parts:
Part na ...
Powertrain System Outline [Fw6 A EL, Fw6 Ax EL]
The powertrain consists of a 2-piece multi-plate clutch, 3-piece multi-plate
brake, a one-way clutch, and a 3-piece single-type planetary gear.
Component parts list
Component parts
Multi-plate clutch