Manual Transaxle Oil Inspection [C66 M R]
1. Park the vehicle on level ground.
2. Remove the front under cover No.2..
3. Remove the oil level plug and gasket.
4. Verify that the manual transaxle oil is near the brim of the plug port.
When the manual transaxle oil level is lower than the lower limit, add manual
transaxl ...
Vanity Mirror Illumination Inspection
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable..
2. Remove the sunvisor..
3. Verify that the continuity between the vanity mirror illumination terminals
is as indicated in the table.
If not as indicated in the table, replace the sunvisor.
Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2 S)
Detects the oxygen concentration (theoretical air/fuel ratio) in the exhaust
gas as basic information for mainly determining the fuel injection amount and
as information for determining the deterioration of catalytic converter.
Detects the oxygen concentration ( ...