Chevrolet Spark manuals

Mazda CX-5 Service & Repair Manual: Oil Pump [Fw6 A EL, Fw6 Ax EL]

Mazda CX-5 Service & Repair Manual / Engine / Lubrication / Oil Pump [Fw6 A EL, Fw6 Ax EL]




Oil Pump Removal/Installation
WARNING: Hot engines and engine oil can cause severe burns. Turn off the engine and wait until it and the engine oil have cooled. A vehicle that is lifted but not securely supported ...

Oil Pump
Outline The oil pump has a mechanism for feedback control of oil pressure. As a result, an oil pressure increase of more than the set pressure is suppressed and oil pump drive resistance ...

Other materials:

Ion Sensor
Purpose/Function Detects ion generation in the combustion chamber for detecting pre-ignition. Detects ions which occur due to fuel combustion as current by applying bias voltage to the spark plug, which is amplified in the ignition coil internal circuit and input to the PCM. ...

Rear Combination Light
Purpose The rear combination lights are used to signal the following conditions to vehicles/people at the rear. Rear turn lights: Signals a left or right turn of the vehicle. Brake lights: Signals a vehicle stop. Taillights: Signals the presence of the ve ...

Intake Air System
Purpose, Outline A vacuum pump has been adopted which supplies stable vacuum to the power brake unit. Structural View System Diagram Vacuum Hose Routing Diagram Structure The intake air system consists of the following parts: Part na ...

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