If the configuration is performed using As-Built data, the set value of the personalization function is reset to the initial value (condition when shipped from factory). Verify the set value with the customer and perform the personalization function setting after performing the configuration using As-Built data.
1. Connect the M-MDS to the DLC?2.
2. After the vehicle is identified, select the following items from the initialization screen of the M-MDS.
a. Select “Module Programming”.
3. Then, select items from the screen menu in the following order.
a. Select “As-Built”.
b. Select “RCM”.
4. Perform the as-built according to the directions on the screen.
When the configuration is performed, CAN communication between the SAS control module and control module connected to the CAN line is cut temporarily, and communication error DTCs may be detected. After performing the configuration, verify the DTCs for the control module connected to the CAN line and clear it if any DTC is detected.
5. Verify the DTCs for all of the control modules connected to the CAN line.
If any DTC is stored, clear it.
If the DTC is cleared, finish the procedure because the configuration has been completed normally.
If the DTC remains, perform troubleshooting according to the DTC.
Intake Air System
Purpose, Outline
A vacuum pump has been adopted which supplies stable vacuum to the power
brake unit.
Structural View
System Diagram
Vacuum Hose Routing Diagram
The intake air system consists of the following parts:
Part na ...
Rear Mount Camera
Purpose, Function
The rear mount camera shoots the conditions at the rear of the vehicle in
color, and after converting the video signal, it outputs the signal to the audio
unit. (with color LCD)
The rear mount camera is installed onto the liftgate.
DSC HU/CM Inspection
1. Disconnect the DSC HU/CM connector..
2. Connect the negative battery cable..
3. Attach the tester lead to the DSC HU/CM wiring harness-side connector and
inspect voltage, continuity, or resistance according to the standard (reference)
on the table.
Standard (Reference)