1. Inspect the condenser for cracks, damage, and oil leakage.
If there is any malfunction, replace the condenser.
2. Visually inspect for bent fins for clogging of foreign material.
If any fins are clogged, remove the foreign material.
3. Visually inspect for bent fins.
If any fins are bent, use the end of a flathead screwdriver to straighten fins.
Underbody Dimensions [Dimensions]
The following figure is a bottom view.
Point symbol
Hole diameter or bolt or nut size mm {in}
Front crossmember installation hole
?24 {0.94}
Fro ...
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Purpose, Outline
The tire pressure monitoring system monitors the tire pressure of all 4 tires.
If the tire pressure of 1 tire or more becomes excessively low, the driver is
A tire pressure monitoring system has been adopted which indirectly inspects
the tire pres ...
Front Door Speaker Inspection
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable..
2. Remove the following parts:
a. Inner garnish.
b. Front door trim.
3. Disconnect the front door speaker connector..
4. Verify that the resistance and continuity between the front door speaker terminals
is as indicated in the table.