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Mazda CX-5 Service & Repair Manual: Oil Seal (Differential) Replacement [C66 M R]

Mazda CX-5 Service & Repair Manual / Drivetrain / Driveline / Differentials / Oil Seal (Differential) Replacement [C66 M R]

1. Remove the front under cover No.2..

2. Drain the manual transaxle oil..

3. Disconnect the drive shaft (LH) from the MTX..

4. Disconnect the drive shaft (RH) from the MTX..

5. Remove the oil seal (LH).

6. Remove the oil seal (RH).

7. Using the SST

s and a hammer, tap a new oil seal (LH) in evenly until the SST

s contacts the transaxle case.

8. Using the SST

s and a hammer, tap a new oil seal (RH) in evenly until the SST

s contacts the transaxle case.

9. Coat the lip of each oil seal with transaxle oil.

10. Install in the reverse order of removal.

11. Add the specified amount of specified transaxle oil..

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Purpose/Function The differential absorbs the difference in the rotation speed between the left and right driving wheels so that the vehicle drives smoothly when differences occur due to ...

Oil Seal (Differential) Replacement [Fw6 A EL, Fw6 Ax EL]
Transaxle Case Side 1. Remove the front under cover No.2.. 2. Drain the ATF.. 3. Disconnect the drive shaft (LH) from the transaxle.. CAUTION: The oil seal is easily damaged by the shar ...

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