The one-way clutch operates in 1GR and suppresses the counterclockwise rotation of the front internal gear (as viewed from torque converter side).
The one-way clutch consists of a mechanical diode-type one-way clutch, inner plate, and outer plate.
The inner plate for the one-way clutch is connected to the front internal gear and the outer plate is connected to the transaxle.
The connected inner plate also rotates clockwise during the clockwise rotation of the front internal gear. Therefore, the rotation is not regulated and the inner plate spins because the strut installed to the inner plate is pressed toward the inner plate along the slope of the outer plate.
The strut engages the notch of the outer plate by the rotation of the inner plate which also rotates counterclockwise during the counterclockwise rotation of the front internal gear. Due to this, the rotation of the inner plate is regulated and the rotation of the front internal gear is suppressed.
As a result, the front internal gear suppresses the counterclockwise rotation of the rear pinion gear via the rear planetary carrier.
Vanity Mirror Illumination Inspection
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable..
2. Remove the sunvisor..
3. Verify that the continuity between the vanity mirror illumination terminals
is as indicated in the table.
If not as indicated in the table, replace the sunvisor.
Audio Set (Type B)
Do not press the panel strongly or press it with a sharp-pointed object. Otherwise,
the panel could be damaged.
1 Power/Volume/Display/Sound Controls
2 Operating the Radio
3 Operating the Satellite Radio
4 Operating the Compact Disc (CD) Player
5 How to use the Auxiliary jack/U ...
Air Fuel Ratio (A/F) Sensor Heater Control [Skyactiv G 2.0]
Based on the control of the A/F sensor heater, a stabilized oxygen concentration
is detected even at low exhaust temperatures, and feedback control of fuel injection
even at cold engine start is made possible for improved cold temperature exhaust
emission performance.