Chevrolet Spark manuals

Mazda CX-5 Service & Repair Manual: Throttle Body

Purpose, Function







  • Stops the idle air control.

  • Stops the drive-by-wire control and sets to a throttle valve opening angle necessary for minimum driveability.


  • Stops the idle air control.

  • Stops the drive-by-wire control and sets to a throttle valve opening angle necessary for minimum driveability.


  • Stops the idle air control.

  • Stops the drive-by-wire control and sets to a throttle valve opening angle necessary for minimum driveability.


  • Stops the idle air control.

  • Stops the drive-by-wire control and sets to a throttle valve opening angle necessary for minimum driveability.


  • Restricts the upper limit of the engine speed.

Throttle Body Inspection
Resistance Inspection 1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.. 2. Disconnect the throttle body connector. 3. Measure the resistance between throttle body terminals E and F. Throttle bo ...

Throttle Position (TP) Sensor Inspection
Voltage Inspection CAUTION: The inspection cannot be performed with this method correctly if there is a malfunction of the APP sensor or throttle valve actuator. Verify that no DTCs rel ...

Other materials:

Generator [Skyactiv G 2.0]
Purpose, Function The generator operates by obtaining drive force from the engine via the drive belt and generates the required electricity for electronic devices. Construction The generator is installed on the engine left front side. Output control is perfor ...

Quick Release Connector (Emission System) Removal/Installation
Quick Release Connector Type and Position CAUTION: Verify the type and location, and install/remove properly. U.S.A. and CANADA Except U.S.A. and CANADA Type A Removal CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the evaporative pipe when unlocking the retainer. NOTE: ...

Compression Inspection
WARNING: Hot engines and oil can cause severe burns. Be careful not to burn yourself during removal/installation of each component. Fuel vapor is hazardous. It can very easily ignite, causing serious injury and damage. Always keep sparks and flames away from fuel. Fuel ...

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