1. Inspect the heater core for damage, cracks, and water leakage.
If there is any malfunction, replace the heater core.
2. Visually inspect the fins for bending.
If there is any bending, use the end of a flathead screwdriver to straighten the fins.
3. Visually inspect the heater hose for deformation.
Repair with pliers if there is deformation. If there is any malfunction, replace the heater core.
Rear Door Hinge Removal/Installation
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable..
2. Remove the following parts:
a. Rear door.
b. Front scuff plate.
c. Rear scuff plate.
d. B-pillar lower trim.
3. Remove in the order shown in the figure.
3 ...
Refrigerant Line Removal/Installation
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable..
2. Discharge the refrigerant..
3. Disconnect the engine ground.
4. Disconnect the refrigerant pressure sensor connector.
5. Remove in the order indicated in the table. Do not allow compressor oil to
If moisture or for ...
PID/Data Monitor Inspection [Instrument Cluster]
1. Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.
2. After the vehicle is identified, select the following items from the initialization
screen of the M-MDS.
a. Select “DataLogger”.
b. Select “Modules”.
c. Select “IC”.
3. Select the applicable PID from the PID table.
4. Verify the PID dat ...